Virtual Reality in GIS?
One area of focus is in creating VR applications that provide realistic visualizations of traffic data, where its utility for traffic management is noted. The integration of real-time data and VR allows traffic management to more easily look at varied layers of transport, while also gaining ability to forecast patterns based on historical or expected patterns. Applying it within web technologies also allows easier sharing of data, where managers and those using transport can readily access needed data. Applications such as APCRDA have incorporated 3D building model data, residents information, real-time and historical traffic data into their platform, allowing for a powerful understanding of city data where everything from current traffic patterns to up-to-date residential information, where the data are applied within a human-computer interaction framework.
Applications with complex data demand have become a major challenge for VRGIS, particularly as these applications have incorporated spatial query functions so that desired multi-dimension information can be found more easily, allowing users to better take advantage of analytical capabilities within GIS while still using VR visualization. Addressing this challenge has included applying multi-task parallel scheduling algorithms that can more quickly process complex data and not just simply look at high volume data. Such approaches allow faster processing of data, allowing for visual and query information to appear more quickly even in more typical desktop environments. In effect, data has become complex in structure and not just in volume, where VR platforms are particularly well made for visualizing such complex information in their appropriate dimensions.
GISFY team has built SDI framework and deployed at (MNR) Ministry of Natural Resources, Belize.
Funding Agency: Andhra Pradesh Capital Regional Development Authority